Hometown Attorneys Providing Trusted Counsel

Civil Law

Civil Law Guidance

Depending on what each situation requires, we will defend your rights and ensure a proper outcome. Each case may include:

  • Conflict resolution – Sometimes referred to as dispute resolution or dispute settlement. We attempt to resolve the dispute between the two parties to avoid trial.
  • Meditation – More formal than standard conflict resolution, we will attempt to resolve the dispute even though the outcome is nonbinding and could lead to litigation.
  • Litigation – Standard legal proceedings. We fight for your rights through a court-supervised process. During the litigation period, we do our absolute best to uncover all the needed data to mount the best legal case and ensure the most favorable outcome.

To see how Sweat & Griffee Law Firm can help you settle your civil dispute, call us at 502-402-8315. You ought to speak directly to an attorney and understand your rights and options before proceeding.

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